Bad debts can happen unexpectedly at any time and for many reasons: a customer may become insolvent and go into administration or they may be unable to pay you because of poor cash flow. These bad debts don’t just hit your bottom line and knock you off track from achieving your growth ambitions. They can dramatically affect the health of your company - impact your cash flow and your ability to pay bills; damage capital investment programmes; and, worst case, even result in your company’s insolvency.
Trade Credit insurance is a proven way of managing your bad debt risk as it:
- Enhances your credit control
- Pays the outstanding debt if customers who owe money for the supply of products and services cannot pay
In addition, Trade Credit insurance has been shown to:
- Enable bolder growth plans
- Improve cash flow
- Expand finance options
Click the button below to download our guide which dispels myths about Trade Credit insurance, explains how the insurance works and the different types of policies available, and explores the benefits: